Call to check for availability of date and time desired. Dates are booked when deposit is received.
To Reserve your Meeting Date a $100.00 deposit for Monday thru Thursday or $200.00 for Friday thru Sunday is required. Deposits can be made by cash (please do not mail cash), check or credit card (credit cards can be taken by phone). Checks should be made payable to THE GATHERING PLACE (please include the date, time and name and contact information of group, business or individual booking).
When the deposit is received, we will send out, a confirmation / timeline will be sent to the contact person. This will include the dates when menus and counts will be required. Type of room setup needed (classroom with tables, theater seating etc.) should also be arranged.
Check “Menu Options” for types of service and meal choices.
Meetings can require unique room arrangements, but some ideas for possibilities are available in “Seating Diagrams”.
Payment for Meetings should be made on or before the date of the function. Deposits received by THE GATHERING PLACE will be applied to charges at the end of the function. Major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, and Discover), Cash and Personal Checks will be accepted with proper identification for payment.
There are no refunds or restitution of food for “No Shows.”
- Large Room: 45 adults.
- Small Room 20 adults
- Monday to Saturday- 12:00 – 4:00 PM or 6:00 – 10:00 PM
- Breakfasts as scheduled
- Sunday bookings also available, inquire about times.
Event time details:
- 12:00 – 4:00 PM: Doors open for guests at 11:30 PM – Room available at 11:00 for set-up / decorating.
- Must be concluded at 4:00 PM – Additional fees may be applied.
- 6:00 – 10:00 PM: Doors open for guests at 5:30 PM – Room available at 5:00 PM for set-up / decorating.
- If more time is needed for decorating, please call to make additional arrangements.